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This type holds a null terminated byte array in memory that represents an ASCII encoded text in Gambol. The underlying byte array can actually have any encoding however all functions and methods within this types assume ASCII encoding.

String is an immutable value type that points to a byte array. The memory referred to by this type is not owned by String. The assignment operator only copies the variable not the byte array it points to and therefore passing variables of type String around is efficient.

graph BT
N1["String"] -->|inherits| N2["StringAT"];
N1["String"] -->|inherits| N3["Hashable"];
N1["String"] -->|inherits| N4["Stringable"];
N1["String"] -->|inherits| N5["Length"];
N1["String"] -->|inherits| N6["RandomIterable[Char]"];
N6["RandomIterable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N7["ReverseIterable[Char]"];
N6["RandomIterable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N8["Unpackable[Char]"];
N8["Unpackable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N9["Iterable[Char]"];
N8["Unpackable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N10["UnpackableAT"];
N10["UnpackableAT"] -->|inherits| N5["Length"];
N10["UnpackableAT"] -->|inherits| N11["IterableAT"];
N10["UnpackableAT"] -->|inherits| N12["CollectionAT"];
N12["CollectionAT"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N11["IterableAT"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N5["Length"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N9["Iterable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N11["IterableAT"];
N11["IterableAT"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N7["ReverseIterable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N14["BidirectionalIterable[Char]"];
N14["BidirectionalIterable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N9["Iterable[Char]"];
N9["Iterable[Char]"] -->|inherits| N11["IterableAT"];
N11["IterableAT"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N5["Length"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N4["Stringable"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N3["Hashable"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];
N2["StringAT"] -->|inherits| N13["Any"];


Quality Value
Inherits StringAT, Hashable, Stringable, Length, RandomIterable[Char]
Extends N/A
Decorators #Gambol.layout.c;
Is enum false
Is sealed false
Is extern false
Is abstract false
Is generator false
Has value semantics true
Has stored properties true
Should register destructor false
Has atomic memory false
Is copy assignable true
Is zero initializable true

Type Aliases


DType = Char

Const Expressions


const! kAsciiLetters = `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`

String representing all alphabetical ASCII characters.


const! kAsciiLowercase = `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`

String representing all lower-case alphabetical ASCII characters.



String representing all upper-case alphabetical ASCII characters.


const! kDigits = `0123456789`

String representing all decimal digits in the ASCII character set.


const! kHexDigits = `0123456789abcdefABCDEF`

String representing all hexadecimal digits in the ASCII character set.


const! kOctDigits = `01234567`

String representing all octal digits in the ASCII character set.


const! kPunctuation = `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~`

String representing all punctuation ASCII characters.


const! kWhitespace = `  

String representing all white space characters in the ASCII character set.


const! kPrintable = `   

String representing all printable characters in the ASCII character set.



from_char (c Char) -> String
creates a String from the given Char


from_c_str (cstr Pointer, len Len = -1, make_copy: Bool = true) -> String
creates a String from the given null terminated pointer. if len is < 0 then the length of the String will be computed from cstr first otherwise the correct len must be provided or it will result in undefined behavior. Whether the array pointed to by cstr is copied or not is determined by make_copy.


full (len Len = 0, with_char Char = 32) -> String
creates a string of length len with all characters set to with_char


join [T] (container T, delimiter String = ``) -> String
call str on all items in the container and concatenate all the resultant strings into one string delimited by delimiter.


translate [T] (s SelfType, table T) -> SelfType
creates a new string that has all characters in this string mapped using the provided table


__kmp_compute_lps (pattern String) -> List[Len]


__kmp_compute_reverse_lps (pattern String) -> List[Len]



construct (s @Self) -> Self


allocate (s @Self, len Len) -> Nil
reset the internal pointer to new memory of size len + 1 and insert the null character at the end.


reallocate (s @Self, len Len) -> Nil
extend or shrink the internal pointer to len + 1 and insert the null character at the end


get_raw_string (s @Self) -> String
returns a raw string equivalent of this string with backslash and backquotes escaped


str (s @Self) -> String


hash (s @Self, hasher strictly @ (Pointer, Len) -> Nil) -> Nil


len (s @Self) -> Len


get_iterator (s @Self) -> StringIterator


get_reverse_iterator (s @Self) -> StringIterator[-1]


get_random_iterator (s @Self) -> StringRandomIterator


c_str (s @Self) -> PointerToVariable[Char]


char_unchecked (s @Self, index ULen) -> Char
get the char at position index without doing any bounds checking


char (s @Self, index Len) -> Char
get the char at position index and raise IndexOutOfRangeException if index is out of bounds


slice (s @Self, range IndexRange) -> SelfType
create a substring from this string using the given range.


find_first (s @Self, pattern SelfType, range IndexRange?) -> Len
find the first instance of the string pattern in the given range and return the index of the first charater.

range must have a step size of 1 otherwise the function will raise a WrongArgumentException


find_last (s @Self, pattern SelfType, range IndexRange?) -> Len
find the last instance of the string pattern in the given range and return the index of the first charater.

range must have a step size of 1 otherwise the function will raise a WrongArgumentException


find (s @Self, pattern SelfType, range IndexRange?, overlapping: Bool = true, count: Len = 0) -> List[Len]
finds all instances of the string pattern in the given range up to count items starting from the beginning of the range and returns a list of the first character indices. You can use overlapping to indicate if you want overlapping results or not.

range must have a step size of 1 otherwise the function will raise a WrongArgumentException


replace (s @Self, old SelfType, new SelfType, range IndexRange?, count: Len = 0, reverse: Bool = false) -> SelfType
replace all instances of the string old with new in the given range up to count items. You can start either from the beginning of the range or the end using reverse.

range must have a step size of 1 otherwise the function will raise a WrongArgumentException


count (s @Self, pattern SelfType, range IndexRange?, overlapping: Bool = true) -> Len
count the number of times the string pattern appears in the given range. You can use overlapping to indicate if overlapping instances are acceptable. range must have a step size of 1 otherwise the function will raise a WrongArgumentException


rfind (s @Self, pattern SelfType, range IndexRange?, overlapping: Bool = true, count: Len = 0) -> List[Len]
finds all instances of the string pattern in the given range up to count items starting from the end of the range and returns a list of the first character indices. You can use overlapping to indicate if you want overlapping results or not.

range must have a step size of 1 otherwise the function will raise a WrongArgumentException


remove_prefix (s @Self, prefix SelfType) -> SelfType
return a new string that is equal to this string with the prefix removed


remove_suffix (s @Self, suffix SelfType) -> SelfType
return a new string that is equal to this string with the suffix removed


split (s @Self, delimiter SelfType, range IndexRange?, count: Len = 0, reverse: Bool = false) -> List[SelfType]
split the string into a list of strings on all instances of delimiter in the given range up to count items starting from the beginning or the end if reverse.


capitalize (s @Self) -> SelfType
return a new string that's the same as this string but with the first character capitalized


center (s @Self, width Len, fill_char Char = 32) -> SelfType
adjust the string within the given width to the center using fill_char as filler chraracters.


rjust (s @Self, width Len, fill_char Char = 32) -> SelfType
adjust the string within the given width to the right using fill_char as filler chraracters.


ljust (s @Self, width Len, fill_char Char = 32) -> SelfType
adjust the string within the given width to the left using fill_char as filler chraracters.


starts_with (s @Self, prefix String, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
returns true of the given range in the string starts with prefix. range must have a step size of 1 or a WrongArgumentException will be raised.


ends_with (s @Self, suffix String, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
returns true of the given range in the string ends with suffix. range must have a step size of 1 or a WrongArgumentException will be raised.


map (s @Self, update strictly  (Char) -> Char, range IndexRange?, count: Len = 0, reverse: Bool = false) -> SelfType
returns a new string by applying the update function on each character in the given range up to count characters starting from the beginning of the range or the end if reverse


lower (s @Self, range IndexRange?, count: Len = 0, reverse: Bool = false) -> SelfType
returns a new string by turning every character in the given range to lower case up to count characters starting from the beginning of the range or the end if reverse.


upper (s @Self, range IndexRange?, count: Len = 0, reverse: Bool = false) -> SelfType
returns a new string by turning every character in the given range to upper case up to count characters starting from the beginning of the range or the end if reverse.


swapcase (s @Self, range IndexRange?, count: Len = 0, reverse: Bool = false) -> SelfType
returns a new string by turning every character in the given range to the opposite case up to count characters starting from the beginning of the range or the end if reverse.


lstrip (s @Self, chars SelfType = kWhitespace) -> SelfType
returns a new string that's the same as this one but with any continuous sequence of characters in char removed from the beginning of the string


rstrip (s @Self, chars SelfType = kWhitespace) -> SelfType
returns a new string that's the same as this one but with any continuous sequence of characters in char removed from the end of the string


strip (s @Self, chars SelfType = kWhitespace) -> SelfType
returns a new string that's the same as this one but with any continuous sequence of characters in char removed from the beginning and the end of the string


is_lower (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are lower case, false otherwise


is_upper (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are upper case, false otherwise


is_digit (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are digits, false otherwise


is_alpha (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are alphabetical, false otherwise


is_alphanum (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are alphanumeric, false otherwise


is_punctuation (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are punctuations, false otherwise


is_space (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are space, false otherwise


is_null (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are null, false otherwise


is_printable (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are printable, false otherwise


is_extended_ascii (s @Self, range IndexRange?) -> Bool
true if all characters in range are extended ascii characters, false otherwise


__set_char_unchecked (s @Self, val Char, index ULen) -> Char
set the char at position index to val without doing any bounds checking


__set_char (s @Self, val Char, index Len) -> Char
set the char at position index to val and raise IndexOutOfRangeException if index is out of bounds

Binary Operators


= (s @Self, o @Self) -> Self


== (s @Self, o @Self) -> Bool

is in

is in (s @Self, pattern String) -> Bool
checks if this string contains the substring pattern


> (s @Self, o @Self) -> Bool
performs lexicographical comparison between the two strings and returns whether this string is greater than the other


>= (s @Self, o @Self) -> Bool
performs lexicographical comparison between the two strings and returns whether this string is greater than or equal to the other


< (s @Self, o @Self) -> Bool
performs lexicographical comparison between the two strings and returns whether this string is smaller than the other


<= (s @Self, o @Self) -> Bool
performs lexicographical comparison between the two strings and returns whether this string is smaller than or equal to the other



__ptr PointerToVariable[Char]


__len Len