graph BT
N1["Property"] -->|inherits| N2["AST"];
N2["AST"] -->|inherits| N3["Stringable"];
N3["Stringable"] -->|inherits| N4["Any"];
Quality | Value |
Inherits | AST |
Extends | N/A |
Decorators | N/A |
Is enum | false |
Is sealed | false |
Is extern | false |
Is abstract | false |
Is generator | false |
Has value semantics | false |
Has stored properties | true |
Should register destructor | true |
Has atomic memory | false |
Is copy assignable | false |
Is zero initializable | false |
construct (s strictly @Self, ast_ptr: Pointer = Pointer(), owner: Bool = true) -> Self
symbol (computed)
symbol String
type_specifier (computed)
type_specifier nom TypeSpecifier?
constructor_tuple (computed)
constructor_tuple nom Tuple?
constructor_named_tuple (computed)
constructor_named_tuple nom Tuple?
assignment_rhs (computed)
assignment_rhs nom Expression?
get (computed)
get nom Function?
set (computed)
set nom Function?
is_const (computed)
is_const Bool
is_shared (computed)
is_shared Bool
is_shallow_initialized (computed)
is_shallow_initialized Bool
doc_string (computed)
doc_string String
decorators (computed)
decorators nom DecoratorList?
status (computed)
status UInt32
sets and returns the ast status code defined by the compiler
__ast_ptr Pointer
__is_owner Bool